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Legal Notice
Site Publisher
The Monegasque Limited Company called SOCIETE ANONYME DE BIJOUTERIE, operating under the trading name ZEGG & CERLATI, whose Head Office is located in MONACO, Place du Casino, Telephone: +377. Fax: +377.
Publication Manager
Ms Tina ZEGG, Vice President of SAM DE BIJOUTERIE
Site Host
HBJO Online
1 rue de la performance
59650 Villeneuve-d'Ascq
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SAM DE BIJOUTERIE declines any responsibility for possible defects and/or technical hitches which may be detected when using the site and will do everything possible to provide users with a secure site, according to its obligations and resources.
SAM DE BIJOUTERIE cannot be held responsible for users’ misuse of the site, if the site becomes unavailable, and generally, in the event of unspecified disorders which could result from difficulties related to the site’s operation, such as unforeseeable circumstances, maintenance periods, IT or telecommunications failures or disturbances of whatever cause.
SAM DE BIJOUTERIE also declines any responsibility concerning the exactitude and the exhaustiveness of information and advertisements on the site, connected to it or downloaded, from it.
Any person using information broadcast on line does so under his or her entire responsibility. It remains their own responsibility without any possible recourse against SAM DE BIJOUTERIE for keeping and using data collected from the site.
Although SAM DE BIJOUTERIE does all that is reasonably possible to glean information only from sources that it considers reliable, it does not claim nor guarantee that all the information presented on its site is exact, reliable and complete.
The information diffused on the site is provided as an indication and only for personal use.
Information may be modified without previous warning and at the sole discretion of SAM DE BIJOUTERIE; the user cannot, consequently, hold SAM DE BIJOUTERIE’s responsible for whatever reason.
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Users of this site may ask for information and/or brochures and/or buy goods from SAM DE BIJOUTERIE. For this reason, they will have to communicate their postal and/or email address so that SAM DE BIJOUTERIE can contact them and deliver the goods that they have bought according to the methods foreseen in the Terms and Conditions of sale.
This information collected will be used pursuant to the provisions of Monegasque Law n° 1.353 of 4 December, 2008 amending Law n° 1.165 of 23 December, 1993 regulating the processing of personal information.
This personal information may be processed automatically.
Pursuant to the provisions of Monegasque Law n° 1.353 of 4 December, 2008 amending Law n° 1.165 of 23 December, 1993 regulating the processing of personal data, users are entitled to access, rectify and delete this information under the terms foreseen by the Law.
The confidentiality and the integrity of information are not ensured on the Internet. Consequently, electronic messages that you send to us could be intercepted and/or modified; both their contents and their origin. SAM DE BIJOUTERIE declines all responsibility in this respect.
Hypertext links given in other sites labelled “http://” can in no case engage the responsibility of SAM DE BIJOUTERIE.
SAM DE BIJOUTERIE is not responsible for the hypertext links directed towards this site and forbids any person to set up a link of this nature without its express former permission.
All the dealings between the Customer and ZEGG & CERLATI SAM DE BIJOUTERIE are exclusively submitted to Monegasque law.
In the event of litigation, Monaco’s courts will be the only qualified courts, to the exclusion of all others.
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